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Distance Sales Contract
Privacy Policy
Cancellation and Refund Policy

Preliminary Information Form


E-posta adresi:

Asuman Tekgönül (ANAKAYA)
Atatürk Mah. 160 Sk No. 6 Akhisar/Manisa
0538 6060525

The preliminary information form should be read by the PURCHASER prior to the establishment of the sales contract and the payment. 


The subject of this Preliminary Information Form is to inform you about distance contract between the person who will purchase the product online ("BUYER") and Asuman Tekgönül ("SELLER") located at Atatürk Mahallesi 160 Sokak No. 6 Akhisar/Manisa in accordance with the provisions of the Law on the Protection of Consumers and the Distance Contracts Regulation.


2.1. Our brand has adopted the slow fashion trend and all our products will be produced upon your order. Since they are custom-made and fall within the scope of "Contracts regarding goods prepared in line with the consumer's wishes or personal needs" and constitute an exception to the use of the right of withdrawal, the BUYER accepts, declares and undertakes that he cannot exercise his right of withdrawal. 
2.2. BUYER accepts in advance that he has been informed by the SELLER with this Preliminary Information Form before accepting the distance contract or any corresponding offer. Expenses arising from the exercise of the right of withdrawal belong to the SELLER.
2.3. As an exception to this article, the BUYER may cancel his order within 24 hours from the order time, provided that the material supply and sewing processes have not been started.
2.4. BUYER declares and undertakes that he has read and accepted this procedure.


3.1. The basic features of the Goods/Products/Services (type, quantity, brand/model, color, quantity) are available on the SELLER's website. You can review the basic features of the product during the campaign.
3.2. The prices listed and announced on the site are the sales price. Declared prices and promises are valid until updated or changed. Prices announced periodically are valid until the end of the specified period.
3.3. Additional fees such as shipping fee, which is the cost of product shipment, and any other taxes, duties, etc. will be paid by the BUYER.


4.1. BUYER acknowledges that he/she has received and read preliminary information regarding the basic characteristics of the products (kind and type, quantity, brand/model, color, unit prices, sales price, payment-collection information, sales price including all taxes and payment method, and right of delivery and withdrawal). He/she accepts that he/she has the necessary information and has given the necessary confirmations for sales electronically.
4.2. The product subject to the contract is delivered to the BUYER or the person/organization at the address indicated by the cargo company with which the SELLER has a contract, within the legal period for each product, depending on the distance of the BUYER's residence, provided that it does not exceed the legal period of 30 (thirty) days. The SELLER sends the products it sells to the BUYERS through contracted cargo companies and has them delivered. If the cargo company does not have a branch in the BUYER's location, the BUYER must receive the Product from another nearby branch of the cargo company notified by the SELLER.
4.3. In general, unless otherwise stated, delivery costs (shipping fee, etc.) belong to the BUYER. The SELLER may not reflect all or part of the delivery costs to the BUYER, depending on the results of the campaigns it carries out at the time of sale and the terms of which it announces on the Website.
4.4. If the BUYER is not at his/her address at the time of delivery of the products, the SELLER will be deemed to have fulfilled his/her obligation fully and completely. If there is no one at the address to receive the delivery, it will be the BUYER's responsibility to contact the cargo company and track the shipment of the products. If the product is to be delivered to a person/organization other than the BUYER, the SELLER cannot be held responsible if the person/organization to be delivered is not present at the address or does not accept the delivery. In these cases, any damages arising from the BUYER's late receipt of the Product and the expenses incurred due to the Product waiting in the cargo company and/or returning the cargo to the SELLER also belong to the BUYER.
4.5. The BUYER is responsible for checking the product upon receipt and, if he sees a problem with the product caused by the cargo company, not accepting the product and keeping a report with the cargo company official. Otherwise, the SELLER will not accept responsibility.
4.6. BUYER must have paid the price in full before receiving the Product, unless otherwise stipulated in writing by the SELLER. In cash sales, if the Product price is not paid in full to the SELLER before delivery, and in installment sales, if the due installment amount is not paid, the SELLER may unilaterally cancel the contract and not deliver the Product. If, for any reason, after the delivery of the product, the bank/financial institution to which the credit card was used does not pay the price of the Product to the SELLER, the Product will be returned to the SELLER by the BUYER within 3 days at the latest, with all expenses borne by the BUYER. All other contractual and legal rights of the SELLER, including tracking that it will receive the Product price without accepting the return, are reserved separately and in any case. The SELLER will not have any responsibility for payments made to the SELLER by the bank and/or financial institution for which a failure code is sent by the bank and/or financial institution for any reason.
4.7. If the products cannot be delivered within the legal 30-day period due to extraordinary circumstances (such as weather conditions, heavy traffic, earthquake, flood, fire) other than normal sales/delivery conditions, the SELLER informs the BUYER regarding the delivery. In this case, the BUYER can cancel the order, order a similar product or wait until the end of the extraordinary situation.
4.8. If the product price has been collected in order cancellations, it will be refunded to the BUYER. In credit card payments, the refund is made by refunding the BUYER's credit card, and the product amount is returned to the relevant bank after the order is canceled by the BUYER; Since the reflection of this amount to the BUYER's accounts after its return to the Bank is entirely related to the Bank transaction process, the BUYER accepts that it will not be possible for the SELLER to intervene in any way and assume responsibility for possible delays. (It usually takes up to three weeks for banks to reflect the refund to the BUYER's account).
4.9. If it is understood that the products subject to the contract cannot be supplied for a justified reason, except for extraordinary circumstances, the SELLER may supply another good/service of equal quality and price by informing the BUYER and obtaining his approval, and will be deemed to have fulfilled his contractual commitment in this way. In cases where the BUYER does not approve, the provisions regarding order cancellation apply.


5.1. If the BUYER can benefit from more than one campaign on the same invoice, the campaigns will not be combined, the BUYER will only be able to benefit from one campaign. BUYER accepts, declares and undertakes that he will not make any claims in such a case.
5.2. SELLER reserves the right to stop, update and change the campaign conditions of the campaigns announced on the Website at any time. The BUYER must review the campaign conditions before each purchase from the Website.


6.1. Information such as name, surname, e-mail address, ID number, demographic data, financial data, etc. belonging to the BUYER, which can be defined as personal data within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 is used in taking orders, presenting products and services, developing products and services, solving systemic problems, performing payment transactions, in marketing activities about orders, products and services if prior approval is given, in updating the information of the BUYER and in the management and maintenance of memberships and in communication with the BUYER. It can be used, updated, shared, transferred and processed in other ways and it can be recorded indefinitely and kept in written/magnetic archives by the SELLER, SELLER affiliates and third parties and/or organizations for the purpose of executing the distance sales contract and other agreements established between the SELLER and to ensure that the technical, logistics and other similar functions of third parties are carried out on behalf of the SELLER.
6.2. In accordance with the applicable legislation, ANAKAYA provides SMS/text messages, instant notifications and automatic calls to BUYERS for credit card and membership information, transactions and applications for the purposes of promotion, advertising, communication, promotion, sales and marketing of all kinds of products and services. Commercial electronic communications can be made via computer, telephone, e-mail/mail, fax, other electronic communication tools, and the BUYER accepts to have commercial electronic messages sent to them.
6.3. The necessary precautions for the security of the information and transactions entered by the BUYER on the Website have been taken within the Seller's own system infrastructure, within today's technical possibilities, according to the nature of the information and transaction. However, since the information in question is entered from the BUYER's devices, it is the BUYER's responsibility to take the necessary precautions, including those regarding viruses and similar harmful applications, to ensure that it is protected by the BUYER and cannot be accessed by unrelated persons.
6.4. BUYER may request data usage, processing and/or communications to be stopped at any time by contacting SELLER through the specified communication channels. According to the BUYER's clear notification on this matter, personal data processing and/or communications to the party are stopped within the legal maximum period; In addition, if he wishes, his information, other than what is legally required and/or possible to be preserved, will be deleted from the data recording system or anonymized so that his identity cannot be determined. If the BUYER wishes, they can always contact the SELLER and get information on issues such as the transactions related to the processing of his personal data, the persons to whom it is transferred, correction of it if it is incomplete or inaccurate, notification of the corrected information to the relevant third parties, deletion or destruction of the data, objection to the emergence of a result against him by analyzing it with automatic systems, objection to the emergence of a result against him, reparation in case of damage due to illegal processing of data. The applications in question will be examined and the BUYER will be contacted within the legal period within the periods stipulated in the legislation.
6.5. Regarding all kinds of information and content of the Website and their arrangement, revision and partial/full use; except for those belonging to other third parties according to the SELLER's agreement; all intellectual-industrial rights and property rights belong to Asuman Tekgönül.
6.6. Other sites accessible from the Website have their own privacy-security policies and terms of use, and the SELLER is not responsible for any disputes that may arise and their negative consequences.


7.1. SELLER's records (including records on magnetic media such as computer-voice recordings) constitute conclusive evidence in resolving any disputes that may arise from this Agreement and/or its implementation. The parties have agreed that in case of disputes arising from the implementation and interpretation of the Agreement, the Consumer Arbitration Committees in the place where the BUYER and SELLER reside, within the monetary limits determined within the framework of the legislation, will be authorized by the Consumer Courts of the BUYER and SELLER.

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